Yet, the same ministers who spend time selfelssly and compassionately working to see these wonderful children of God set free are at the same time so often preaching a 'gospel' which isn't good news at all! Rather, it actually promotes a worldview which causes the very problems that we then spend so much time and energy trying to fix!!
We teach that we are all sinners, that we have all fallen short of God's standard, that there is no health in us, that we are doomed to hell. We paint a picture that has God as a wrathful judge whose vengeful anger is spent on his son rather than on us who so richly deserve it. We remind ourselves that only God can heal us, that only He decides who he heals, that everything that happens is for our good - even the tragic. We declare to our few remaining volunteeers that actually the work they do is only there because God planned it, that when they do it it is wothless except that God endorses it....
Now of course, as a good (well, goodish) evangelical, I acknowledge that there is truth in the above statements. But out of context and rolled together they paint a very disempowering view of God and his view of us.

Saw this church sign recently - seemed to epitomise this approach:
I want to shout 'God is for us, God loves us, we are valued and valuable. We are precious and lovely, we have immense significance in His eyes' I want to remind us that God isn't a judge waiting to trip us up. He isn't a puppet master directing a play in which we only get to act the parts.That we're called to the intimate wonder of being the bride, not a slave.
God pinpoints sin, then offers a helping hand and an arm round us and an encouraging word. He doesn't drape us in this cloak of unworthiness and misery.
Anyone with us in this?