Saturday, 7 May 2011


SBC (the church we are part of) has been going through a process defining, refining and clarifying vision. (For more on this exciting adventure click here)  It's made me think .... Without vision people run round like headless chickens (somewhere in bible) When there is no clarity of vision, people have visions but they are not in line with each other, energy is wasted, resources are wasted. etc. Vision is important, it says where to head, what part to play, what things to do (and what to give up/not do). So having vision, describing vision, is vitally important. And of course you have to explain it in terms that people understand.

But it seems to me that once it's been described and communicated, it's the work of the Holy Spirit to convince people of it. Trying to persuade people of something, leaves us exhausted. Worse, it takes energy from the work of actually achieving the vision. I can just see Moses at his umpteenth vision meeting with the tribal leaders trying to nail the final words in the mission statement to be presented to Pharaoh. 'Yeah, we've now got a 70% approval rating from the tribe of Dan, but Nephtali is insiting we change it to represent the democratic process. So we've scrubbed 'Let my people go', it's now 'The people, after long and detailed discussion have decide that it is in their economic interest to be allowed to move on at a mutually convenient time'

So here's some Thinking Allowed 'Pitfalls with Vision' Let us know if you agree!

1) God shows us where we are going to head, and we don't step in his timing
2)We have things that we think we are good at, and miss out on Gods plans cos we go it alone outside of his vision
3) we limit it to our own capabilities, and assume that where we are heading is impossible to do
4) We go it alone, see the whole vision as ours to do, take on all the responsibility, when often God wants partnership with other people/ team/ other giftings to come into play.
5) We want certainty when God wants relationship, trust and faith.
6) We use vision as a means to prove ourselves, and our abilities, rather than in love and relationship with God, and in his strength and power, under his direction.
7) We try and control the vision/manage it/ manipulate things to make it happen
8) We try and bolt the vision onto other things we are doing, ending up overextended
9) We have opposition and give up

Any others?


  1. we have taken the unusual step of removing a comment from this post as it referred to an issue regarding a specific church. Although we deliberately raise contentious issues in general to provoke debate, we don't encourage it to be a place for raising personal gripes! We would encourage anyone who does have issues with their church to seek to resolve those by speaking directly (and not anonymously) to those concerned. So, come on, what other pitfalls should we be avoiding? :-)

  2. That's a really helpful post Catherine. At the moment I'm stepping out into a new area of leadership and am a bit clueless about how to share and implement vision. I like to be a 'do-er' and risk alienating other people when God would rather have us bring other people on board to share the vision.

    What are the practicalities though in being patient? :-)

  3. You should be able to post what you want - freedom of speech or are we in Big Brother Society with Thought Police too?

  4. Freedom is an overused and undervalued word.
    We have the freedom to say what we think about the blogs and posts.
    However, we do not have the freedom to use posts as an underhanded dig at someone else.
    All blogs / forums have a moderator who has the right to delete posts that are offensive, irrelevant, etc.
    To the person whose post has been removed and anonymous, I ask
    1) How does your freedom to say what you want to say about someone, sit with command to love your neighbour as yourself?
    2) Who says you're right in what you say and where you say it? Think about libel and slander!

    We can all "Have a go" at our leaders, but we should respect their position given by God.
    Fortunately, I "Had a go" semi privately, but still had to learn my lesson!

    Maybe we should be gracious before we seek to have our freedoms.
    maybe this should be the next blog.
