Sunday 12 September 2010

Strongholds - The Theology One

God is love and love does not insist on its own way, doesn't seek to control. Biblically this is the opposite of witchcraft and the occult, which seeks to dominate, control and insist on its own way. So, when God created the universe he built choice into the foundations. Right at the start we see a God who gives choice in the story of the two trees in the garden. But for choice to be real, it has to have consequences. Choosing the tree of life has to have a different outcome to choosing the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And God defines the consequences - life in all its fullness or something dying.

There's this spiritual principle then. If we make choices that are unloving towards ourselves, others, the world or God (let’s call it sin for short) two things happen. First something dies (the day you eat of that fruit, you shall surely die). Not because God in a fit of pique throws down a thunderbolt on us - but because that's the inevitable consequence. Secondly, just as in that Genesis story, we give authority away. Remember, God had given mankind authority over the natural order of things (Go forth and multiply and have dominion over...). When the choice was made to go our own way in isolation from God's love, we gave up that authority to the one who tempted us, making him 'The prince of this world'. The authority, the power to be the ruler of ‘this present darkness' was given to Satan by us.

What was true then is true today. When we sin, something dies and we empower the enemy to act against us.

Of course we live in a complex world where 'no man is an island complete unto himself'. The choices others make affect us, just as the choices we make affect others. Where someone has spiritual authority in our life (for example; a parent, a church leader, a sexual partner) the choices they make have a spiritual impact on us, even if we would not have made that choice ourselves. So if any of these relationships has been in any way abusive, there will be spiritual damage as well as physical and emotional wounds. 

If we persistently make ungodly choices in an area of our life we quickly develop a habit (which is simply a choice made to act in a particular way without going through a conscious decision making process). The Bible describes this stage as us having 'seared our conscience' - we are no longer conscious of the choice. Very often, God will provide circumstances, people, words that turn the light back on. Suddenly we become aware again that there is choice to be made and what a loving choice would be. If at that point, in full knowledge of what we are doing, deliberately choose against God, something significant dies - our right to choose for ourselves in that area of our life. The enemy effectively padlocks the door to other choices in that area.

This is true for anyone, whether or not they are a believer - it is the simple consequence of a God who loves us giving us the choice to love or not.

Sometimes the choice we make may be made entirely freely, or they may be made as a result of the abusive choices of others – making us feel as if there is no real choice. Where that is the case, the abuser will suffer the consequences of their sin as described above and will also be accountable to God’s justice in the longer term. Choices though, no matter how made, must have consequences - the mitigating circumstances lessen the power that is given up and make them easier to break, but nonetheless, strongholds will still be established. 

In rare instances, where a person has persistently and deliberately chosen against a loving God in multiple areas, the bible describes these individuals as being 'possessed'. In effect. They have chosen to become unknowing puppets in the hands of the one to whom they have become slaves - owned by the enemy. The general advice would be 'if you are worried that you are possessed, you almost certainly aren't - the last thing the enemy would allow in someone he controlled would be the knowledge that this was the case - he doesn't want them seeking freedom... 

What do I do?
First, remember, breaking strongholds, releasing captives, raising to life areas of death is normal Christian, everyday activity for believers! So come openly with faith and hope!

How do you know if there is a stronghold in your life? The first thing to ask would be whether you recognise in your life any of the processes described above that might have led to one being established. Secondly, in the area concerned, have you struggled and tried many times to be free, to choose differently, but somehow keep falling? If these are true, then have a trusted friend pray for discernment, for revelation as to whether this is the case or not. If you both believe this is what God is saying, then the most important thing is not to be frightened! All the words surrounding this stuff now have a load of baggage with them - we've all read horror stories seen films, heard of odd practices etc. Don't panic! Remember, this is basic, normal Christian stuff! 

The enemy is a deceiver so it may take time to build relationship, trust and the right to gain discernment. When the disciples couldn't deal with one situation, Jesus told them that it required prayer & fasting, in other words a level of persistent determined effort. Because this is all about authority, if you want to help someone in this, you have to earn the right... It's often step by step as opposed to one dramatic event, don't be afraid to take the time it needs, peeling one layer of truth after another. A bit like the Israelites walking round the stronghold of Jericho - it took time! 

Breaking the stronghold
Eventually though there will come a point where the underlying issue has been identified, the stronghold understood. Now is the time to confront it. My advice, keep it simple, scriptural and respect the dignity of the person you are praying for. Remember, behind the stronghold is a spiritual being. They don't like being dislodged, but provided the person you are praying for has made it clear (in whatever form they can) that they reject it, it has no right to remain. So pray the truth - 'when we resist the enemy, he must flee', that under the authority that Christ has won back, we declare the power of the enemy broken in this area, that we claim the forgiveness and cleansing that comes from acknowledgement and confession. And we command in Jesus name that the enemy leaves now. Don’t get involved in conversations with the enemy, don’t listen to lies or accusations, don’t allow the enemy to put on any kind of attention seeking show. Simply command peace and repeat calmly the requirement to leave.
Good to then pray for a filling of the Spirit and for the person to pray in their own words a renouncing of the enemy in this specific area of life. 

Continue to encourage and pray with your friend. From time to time encourage them with what has been accomplished and help them remain accountable to a free lifestyle. A few days after the battle, spend time to debrief and explain what happened, take the mystique out of it.


  1. Afraid I had to skim this.

  2. I've read both the theological and practical application on stronghold. Just a few questions:
    1. David when you prayed with Catherine, it is clear that it was you and Janet doing the praying, giving friendship, discerning the issues involved, etc. Is it therefore more beneficial, safer to pray with someone as a couple or taking a friend who support you when praying and walking a road with someone? It is not clear from the theology piece.
    2. David you say praying for those with strongholds is everyday, normal activity for the christian and I fully agree. However, is there a place for those with a specific gifting or calling to do this work. I'm asking myself if I would be able to peel off the layers one by one as Catherine accounts you and Janet did?

    What I appreciate most of these and other pieces of writing in this blog is the 'company' you David and Janet have provided for Catherine. 'Staying with someone' going through mental or physical challenges is crucial to longlasting healing, perhaps the crucial element.

    Catherine, we journey with you in your freedom and beautiful expressions of poetry.

  3. Julia, shall kick off with some thoughts :) For question 1 I think there is wisdom involved in this. Depends a bit on the person and situation. I had coffee at quiet times in the lounge cafe at church etc. with David to begin with, issues of trust meant it was hard for me to talk to anyone, and I needed to trust people to feel comfortable opening up and trying to talk. Quiet public places worked quite well. As I reached key points on my journey a few other people who I was comfortable with helped battle. Over time I have got to know and trust Janet too, and so that has made things a lot easier. I was finding it hard to trust other people, so it took a little while as got to know each new person. If David had been really uncomfortable talking to me at any point I would probably have picked up on it, and felt uncomfortable talking to him. He could have dictated stuff to me, and that really would not have helped me open up, but instead allowed me the dignity of working through things and making choices for myself.

    For Question 2
    God is the giver of good gifts, he will help as we ask him, and give us all we need to do his work. Sometimes I think when things get difficult it is easy to shy away from someone, to try and pass them on to the next ‘specialist’ each time piling rejection on, but most of what David and Janet did was speaking truth, being consistent, making me feel welcome, having a laugh, listening, loving me as a person, and seeing me as God saw me etc. Because the trust had built up it made it easy to talk about things, and also for them to lovingly give different perspectives and answer questions that I had. Reckon some people do seem to minister more in this way more, but wondering whether we should all be doing it (like the disciples seemed to) Jesus seemed to be regularly doing this, and the disciples did it as they went out. Isaiah 61 v 1 The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed.
