Monday 21 March 2011

Blindingly Obvious

Rwanda, no, Iraq yes, Zimbabwe no, Kuwait yes, Sudan no, Libya yes,. It's an easy equation to solve:

Genocide + oil = intervention, Genocide + 0 = don't get involved.

Of course David Cameron's argument is an easy one to fall for 'the fact you can't always do what is right, shouldn't stop you from doing it when you can'. Strange how we only find it possible when self- interest is threatened. But what is more subtle is the subtext that somehow some external force prevents us from acting whenever it is right - it takes away our responsibility and lays the blame on this outside force....

Or we fall for the lie that there is a limit to the good we can do, that somehow the bucket of goodness will run dry if we spend it too soon... So we ration where we intervene on this most spurious and ungodly of criteria. 'what's in it for us?'

But I guess it's pretty hypocritical if I rail at governments and don't write to my MP, and even more if in my personal life I use the same criteria for decision making... Time for a look;

Did I choose that job motivated out of love - God's for me, mine for him and others?  Or was it to do with career progression, financial insecurity? That relationship I just ended, was that godly or for fear of committment? That house I just extended, was it really so the small group could meet more comfortably, or because we wanted it?

I guess it extends to 'christian' things too - do I go to this church, this small group for what I get out of it or because it is where God has placed us? Am I involved in that ministry because it feels fulfilling? Do I offer hospitality to those people simply because I enjoy their company?

Actually, I suspect that frighteningly little of my life has been motivated purely by the love of God, where there was nothing in it for me.... and underneath that behaviour is this simple reality. I act as if I believe that I am God. I know what is best for me, what will fulfil me, what will feel right. I trust in my decisions and processing more than God's. I value my perspective above His.

Fundamentally I don't trust in His love.

And when you get groups of people like me and form a government you end up invading Iraq but leaving Mugabe in power.

Maybe I need to write to myself as well as my MP. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, thought provoking as always David.


    PS I hope the Romania trip goes well and is really fruitful.
