Saturday 2 April 2011

Dry Stone walls and bridges

Spent some time in Carlisle recently...was blessed with some cold, but good weather. We took a walk up to aira force and on the way, walked along by a dry stone wall.

Was looking at the wall thinking how incredible it is that lots of stones all in different shapes without mortar make very strong walls if the stones are fitted together right. If one stone is out of place though, they end up wobbly and not strong at all. The blocks used are not rigid like bricks straight off a production line, held together with Mortar, but rather unique, crafted by the wind, rain, temperature. The builder skilfully builds them, ensuring the stones fit together.

Its easy to see following God more as a production line thing, go through these courses, say the right prayers, attend the church building at the right times on the right days. But thankfully God, doesn't work with us like objects on a production line, like homogenous bricks. No, we are all uniquely made, like the stones in the dry stone wall.

It made me realise this. All those storms I've been through, the ones that wore me down, all those bits that got knocked off me when I was hurt, all those ragged bits that aren't yet holy... Yes these aren't what God wanted for me, of course he will and can bring healing and reshaping. But you know what? There's a place in the wall that perfectly fits me now. I don't have to wait. None of us do. Whatever your background, no matter how wounded, no matter how the world values you, there is  a space that only you can fill-and without you the whole wall will be weaker.

So come on, shake off your shame, shake off the lies that you aren't valuable, shake off those old thoughts that you cannot contribute until you are somehow better. Let's allow the master craftsman to place us in the place uniquely suited to vour shape!


  1. Im shaking!!!! want my place in the wall

  2. Dry stone walls not difficult to build - could arrange a lesson

  3. Would love to learn to build one :)
