Saturday, 3 July 2010


We're off on holiday. Paphos. Yippee! Sun, sea, nice food, some sport, books, puzzles, interesting places. Then we arrive....

Truth is of course, whilst it will be really nice to be away, so much of what we enjoy is right here at home. The convenient and familiar access to the everyday things. But above all, the people. Friends, family, loved ones; the casual conversations, the immediacy of relationship. Ultimately these are the things that matter and one of the great things holidays do for us is to realign our perspective.

Made me think about how maybe God sees things. We're those that matter most to Him in the whole universe. It's not the sun, the stars, the heavenly host that get Him excited. It's not the stuff  He created. It's us. We're the ones He longs to be with. We're the ones His heart yearns for. We're the ones who, when we come into the room, light up His life. And He knows that if we respond to that love, we will be free, we will have overflowing life, we will have exuberant joy. He knows that it is a prize worth every price. He knows that if we but taste it that we will agree too.

Of course, as Christians we understand well the price that God chose to pay. That Jesus, for the joy of relationship with us, chose the cross.... But what about the price we pay? Oh, I'm not talking about some self-denial sacrifice (I'm going on holiday for goodness sake!). No, I mean what happens if we agree with God's perspective, that relationship with Him is worth everything - the 'pearl of great price' for which we sell all we have - what permission does that give God?

He's our Father, our perfect parent. How far will He allow us to go, what will He allow to happen to us? You see, intuitively we think that the perfect parent would prevent us from all harm. Especially an all-knowing, all-powerful one. But what if He all-knows that the path to the very best includes, maybe even requires, the stripping away of things that distract, hinder or spoil that relationship? What if He defines harm in terms of damage to the relationship rather than just to the material? What if, for the joy that is the relationship, it is better to lose a hand or an eye? What if the relationship is so overwhelmingly wonderful that we are not willing to stop even if death is in our way?

We had a BBQ last night. Josh (almost 2) saw something and ran for it. Never mind that the BBQ was in the way. Kept his eye on the goal, full speed, straight line. Crash. No damage to boy or BBQ. Grass a bit singed...

Two things. Good parenting sets appropriate boundaries, warns of danger, is quick to protect, swift to comfort, available to heal. Good parenting does not constrict, does not always prevent - takes risks - knowing the goal is worth it. Secondly, we need to look at the Father's open arms and just go for it. Don't worry about the dangers on the way. Set your focus on him and run exuberantly, joyfully, uninhibitedly into his arms.

As we do that, there will be holiday - the green pastures, the still waters. But there will also be some shadowy valleys. Don't think of them as things God should have spared us from - maybe they're just the BBQ in the way of fuller relationship with God, the refining on the way to the ultimate holy-day - eternal life, heaven with God.

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